Final days of Black Friday!

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Mirabilandia sponsorizzazioni aziendali Mirabilandia sponsorizzazioni aziendali


Our Park, your visibility

Discover sponsorship opportunities for your brand

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Reach your target audience in an efficient and aimed way

You can achieve your marketing goals at Mirabilandia and Mirabeach by choosing from endless possibilities of installations, customizations and brand activation, where themed areas and thematizations allow for a unique and original approach!

Mirabilandia sponsor collaborazioni eurowheel


Opportunità di marketing e sponsorizzazioni Mirabilandia

Numerous marketing opportunities for your business

We present some activities we can put in place to increase the visibility of your brand or products:

  • Sponsorships and customizations - learn more
    For maximum visibility and to engage thousands of customers every day, sponsor an event or customize a Park attraction with your brand.
  • Targeted events - learn more
    Organize a targeted event or activity to create engagement and more effectively involve your potential customers.
  • Digital signage - learn more
    A circuit of 60 monitors positioned at strategic points inside Mirabilandia is at your disposal, thanks to a dedicated and customizable schedule of commercials.

Coordinated communication activities

Based on your needs, we can design coordinated communication activities:

  • Product placement
    Through dedicated and exclusive positioning we can ensure continuous visibility for your brand.
  • Product testing
    To test or launch your product in the market, our Parks are the ideal stop to intercept your target audience.
  • Data collection and PR
    Mirabilandia is the perfect location to obtain data and gather impressions from our visitors.
  • Organization and know-how
    We can plan and organize many engaging entertainment activities, even working together with your staff. You can always rely on our established know-how.
Opportunità di marketing e sponsorizzazioni Mirabilandia

Custom thematizations

Interested in investing in visibility by theming one of Mirabilandia's many attractions? In the 6 themed areas, thousands of visitors hop aboard the record-breaking coasters and the many attractions dedicated to children. Each attraction has a specific target audience that can be captured by your brand.

Tematizzazione Big Babol per l'attrazione Aquaqua

Big Babol thematization for Aquaqua attraction.

Tematizzazione Fonzies per l'attrazione Divertical

Fonzies thematization for Divertical attraction.

Promotional activities

With us you can organize ad hoc activities to promote special events or expand your communication actions! You can engage our Parks visitors with activities and games, or present your product to a wide audience. Our staff will help you organize the perfect event.

Tappa del Tour Tartarughe Ninja, Caos Mutante Mirabilandia

Stage of the Ninja Turtles promotional tour for the release of the new animated film.

Corner dedicato Mondo Convenienza a Mirabilandia

Dedicated corner and entertainment by Mondo Convenienza on the "hottest" weekends of the summer.

Parks' visibility available to your goals!

Monitor circuit with customized announcements
The Park has 60 monitors positioned at strategic high traffic spots, which share a fully customizable synchronized schedule that can be controlled remotely. The schedule of dedicated spots ensures maximum exposure to meet all customer targets in the Park. 

Co-marketing activities
Give your customers the excitement of Mirabilandia and Mirabeach! Collaborate with us to promote a strategic partnership between brands, with the goal of increasing each other's visibility.

Become a sponsor of our educational projects
Thousands of students are involved each year in more than 15 educational projects within Mirabilandia. The Park is transformed into a large open-air laboratory, where students guided by specially trained tutors experience new ways of education.

Sponsorizzazioni Mirabilandia circuito monitor

Do you need to organize a convention, business meeting, presentation or team building activity?

Mirabilandia eventi aziendali


Fill out the following form for more information.

  • In the "Type of request" box, select "Information request."
  • In the "Subject Type" box, select "Companies."

We will contact you as soon as possible.


Mirabilandia. Parco della Standiana Srl. SS 16 Adriatica km. 162
48125 Savio - Loc. Mirabilandia (RA) - Italia
PI 01285660393


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